Friday, July 25, 2008

Sign on Forehead

Each day I live on this Earth, I realize that I am one of the luckiest people. I don't say this for dramatic reasons, just to acknowledge how there is a consistent flow of good stuff coming my way. I often joke that I have a sign on my forehead that says "Give me stuff". In addition to tangible gifts (used or otherwise), I have unique experiences and people interactions that seem to be strategically placed when I need them.

I thought I would share a few of the gifts I have received lately:
1. My friend Lou gave me earrings and a bracelet
2. I got free tickets to COSI and when we were there, we received more tickets for family night 3. My friend Krista gave me a red dress (wore it this past Thursday)
4. My dad and step mom gave me a flag mount for the house and mounted it
5. The guy who fixed my wheel barrow tires, offered me a taste of his Somalian food (goat). I have been afraid to try the restaurant at the end of my street, thinking I would not like it and now I know I will like it.
6. I received Harry and David fudge from the local food bank (shared it around)
7. My friend Linda gave me a HandiVac machine that locks in freshness of food
8. I got a cake brought to me today- delicious (with ice cream!)
9. Chris E. gave me, (how do I explain this?) stuffed toys in the replica of the Three Stoogies that when bounced say funny things So, as a reflect, there are more of these occurrences.

I guess the point is that a lot of good comes my way and I am truly blessed. At work, I brought a wellness inventory for us to work on as we are on a journey out of poverty. The inventory helps to recognize where you are currently and helps to develop goals.

There are 7 sections to the inventory and each section has 10-14 questions; each question is rated from 0 (not at all) to 4 (yes, always, or usually). And, as I read the question below I remembered the spirit behind this post: "I am aware of experiencing "miracles" in my daily life." I had to rate this one a 4 all the way.

So thank you to all you miracle workers in my life. You seem to give me gifts or treasures just when I need them. It is not the material thing, but the fact that you thought of me. I have been sad of late and your gifts remind me to be grateful and to keep my eye on the prize.


Anonymous said...

Erin, you are so deserving of the things that God brings into your life....I've watched you give and give of yourself unselfishly and I am sure that the Lord himself(...or herself(smile))is somewhere sitting high looking low saying, "let's cheer her up because anyone that can bring such sweet adorable faces(the children) into this world, deserves to have a smile put on their face every now and then" with that, I am sure that you will be getting lots more presents in the future....God is so good!!!!

Erin said...

Hi Linda,
I appreciate your kind words and your wonderful gifts.

I truly believe what comes around goes around. If you spend time giving to others through love, material things, kind thoughts etc, you will receive.

It is my hope that people feel my love and care and know that they are valued for who they are. I don't always get it right, but I try :-)

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Erin! Happy birthday toooooooo youuuuuuuuu!

Erin said...

Thanks Louie!
That makes this a day for singing.
I was sung to in the morning, sung to at dinner and wished happy birthday by Sean unfortunately he refused to sing.

At work yesterday I was welcomed by a banner and balloons everywhere. A huge card was signed and a lovely cake (with ice cream!) was had by all (still have some left over). Also, Irish sayings were left on my keyboard to enjoy.

Today, I was taken to brunch at First Watch, given a Shake and Take machine (with nectar for mixing) then brought a dozen roses, a huge balloon and a card with a pledge to pay my plane ticket to D.C. in the future.

We then had dinner at Hometown Buffet where I was sung to by the staff (even though they don't do that anymore) because a kiddo that was a teen in my program at Godman Guild rallied the troops for me- he works there seating folks.

To top it off, my dear friend Becky and kids are staying the night. She got a "chick flick" for us to watch and I anticipate it will be nice just drinking a cuppa tea and sharing space together.

All in all, a good day.

Your written rendition of the Happy Birthday song seems lively and written with feeling. I can almost hear you........

Erin said...

Forgot to mention that My Dad and Step Mom sent me $20 and two beautiful cards. (Think I will buy a hedge trimmer :-)

A yoga book (that I purchased as a birthday gift for myself) came in the mail.

And, my aunt Kathleen sent an email with birthday wishes.

Mars Girl said...

Happy Birthday, Erin! You are a summer baby!