Friday, June 19, 2009

We Hit the Jack Pot Mom!!!

Kye came running in with Quinn saying, "Mom! Mom! We hit the jackpot, you gotta see!!" Quinn encouraged me to come out too, saying "There are berries everywhere and we gotta make smoothies."
Sure enough, the mulberry bushes were filled with juicy, plump berries just ready for picking. We took some time picking one by one and eventually, I put an old sheet underneath the tree and gave it a good shake. This helped get the berries from the high branches fall down. We grabbed corners of the sheet and collected them together and brought the berries in to make wonderful smoothies--you know the kind of liquid refreshment that sticks to your upper lip as you feel the cool, fruity goodness go down. Yum! Lick those lips!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

In the Field

The kids and I were attending our church's annual outdoor service and picnic at Jeffrey Park this past weekend. The kids were unusually fidgety and I was getting more and more irritated by the moment. After several reminders, I turned to look Kye straight in the eye and I said, with no uncertain terms, "If you don't act right, I will put you in the field!" With this, he had a quizzical look on his face and replied, "Which field Mom?"

Good to know my kids consider their options.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Coolest Mom

Here is Quinn and Alea with the band Days Difference. They were the opening band for the main act of Plain White T's -- a concert we went to last Friday. We won tickets on the radio for answering this question:

22% of men will do everything in their power to avoid this activity, what is it? Answer later on in the post.

We had a great time and the bands were fun and upbeat. The kids seemed to be genuinely excited to be there and felt even better knowing we won the tickets.

While at the concert, I wondered silently whether my kids would remember times like this and consider me a "cool mom". Since my memory is very poor, I am not certain what memories get stored in there. One can only hope that when they reflect, they will find appreciation and fondness of these times. Then again, they may need to spend time and money on therapy sessions just to decompress for all the unresolved issues I have put them through :-).

Anyway, about ten minutes after I pondered these things, a young guy came up to me and said, "I don't mean any offence, I am a teacher and I just wanted to come over here and tell you that you seem to be the coolest mom ever. You and your kids are clearly having a good time and it is great that you brought them here!"

This divine response has been happening a lot to me. I have a pondering and shortly there after, I get some specific message to answer my "question". What has been most surprising is that it is a direct response--not round about, not like I have to infer something-- crystal clear. In the example above it was the exact wording of "cool mom". Those were the words that I used to reflect upon and those were the words he used to describe me.

I think I am connected to my source. As I continue to put things into the universe, I continue to get great results. Now to give more of my anxiety up and entrust more in this process.

Oh, the answer to question: DANCE

Monday, June 8, 2009

Dr. Paul Farmer

From Jules Wandering Weblog:

"It’s the Dr. Paul Farmer story, Mountains Beyond Mountains. Basically, it’s the true, ongoing, yet-to-be-finished story of a man whose mission in life is cure the world. The phenomenal and wonderful thing about Dokte Paul is that he plans to do this one patient at a time, until all people are healed.

Here was a man who has accomplished miracles for the desperately ill and poor. He has changed whole systems through will power, faith, and trust in the goodness and need of those with whom he was working. He did this with creativity, dynamism, and admittedly the bending and breaking of many rules. He never said something was impossible, or stupid, or unrealistic, or that the resources were not enough. In fact, Paul often stated that the problem wasn’t lack of resources but their distribution. If we all really lived as though the only nation were humanity, the problems would not only have solutions, they would be moot. Rather than thinking outside the box, Dr. Farmer had decided that the box was no longer necessary at all in order to orient himself and his work. Operating from a position of confidence, optimism, and trust, rather than from their hateful twin – cynicism – , he had and continues to transform the world."

I think Jules wrote this so beautifully that I had to copy it here. It intrigues me how she and Tracy Kidder describe this man. Doesn't it make you want to meet him? I aspire to be as bold in belief and action. To approach the world with optimism, trust and confidence-- believing that things are possible and resources are plentiful -- ultimately living in faith.

What would it be like if we lived and believed the only nation were humanity? What would we do, or not do, or put energy toward?

We are all called to social justice, the question is whether we are listening. This is one example of a real man, addressing a real need and having an impact around the world:

Regarding social justice, I often find that I am distracted by everyday activities ~too busy with this and that. Immersed in my own troubles, that I forget how fortunate I am. I lose sight of the beauty around me. I take for granted the simple things. And, forget the ache and needs of my neighbors.

Tonight I say a prayer of thanks for my life of luxury. I ask for guidance in how I can be most useful to the world. I want to make a difference. When reflecting back I want to know that my existence has meant something to my community. I want to fully utilize my gifts. I want to give my gift of time, talent and treasure (now to find the talent and treasure-- where did I put them?) I will look under the couch-- most things are there.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Get Empowered

A friend of mine, after I was reminiscing about days gone by and my current troubles, said, "Get empowered!".

You see there was a time when I felt strong, lived life fully and stared fear in the eye. I walked around like life was designed for me and somehow, events and circumstances kindly obliged to offer me confidence and adventure. I had energy and umph. My smile was contagious. I was empowered.

Now, I am not an empty vessel by any means, but my self esteem has taken a few hits in the past few years--and things are different. So, my friend says, "Get empowered." How does one do that? What steps does one take toward empowerment? It sure sounds like it could be easy--kind of like the Nike saying of "Just do it".

Check out the Seven Simple Promises that will Change your Life