Friday, September 25, 2009
Reunion Thoughts
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Night of 1000 Tacos
I ate one taco at the taco wagon #1, drank a Mexican soda at #2, a sopas at taco wagon #3 and could eat no more by the time we got to taco wagon #4.
At the third taco wagon we were greeted by this poster and 65 cent tacos:

Here are the three amigos--Scott, myself and Sarah:

Also at the third taco wagon we had the privilege to eat cake interspersed with peaches that was especially made for us bikefarers. The cakes were adorned by miniature bikes as pictured below:
The food was fabulous and the ride enjoyable. We were able to chat the whole way. Folks waited for each other at intersections and made sure we all stayed together. It was so fun to have 30+ riders and take up whole lanes on busy roads. This form of travelling empowers the biker and the group. As seasoned bikers know, there are many times where driver have little tolerance for those who chose this method of travel.
In the 19th mile I had a bike accident. Sorry- no gruesome pictures. I have scrapes on my face, elbow and left leg. Unfortunately, I did not know that squeezing the front brake only, would propel my body over the handle bars and cause the bike to fall on top of me. Ok, I figured that one out.
All this in preparation for my mini triathlon on Saturday. Not only am I achey, but I am beautiful! (Wonder if I will be scarred?)
On October 9th there will be the Night of 1001 Tacos, followed by the movie: Three Amigos at Studio 35. I have spread the word far and wide and I expect several friends and family members will be joining me on this one. Come out and join in the fun!
Pictures taken by ride organizer: Ray George
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Olde Harbor Inn
Monday, September 14, 2009
6 ft. Submarine Sandwich
A minute or so passed and he corrected himself by saying, "Nothing is impossible to God."
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Quinn Runnin'

My travel partner Russell, always ready with trivia, indicated that in the Olympic sport of speed walking, they have sensors to determine whether there are times when both of the athlete's feet are off the ground. If that is the case, the athlete is considered to be running and therefore, is disqualified. I did not realize until I captured this shot of Quinn that both feet end up off the ground when running. Hmmm....
Anyway, I am glad that Quinn is enjoying the sport of Cross Country and is able to focus and give his all.