I love diners. There are usually kind waiters/waitresses, good home cooking and interesting motifs. I have passed by this one on S. High Street many times and have not had the chance to stop. Glad we did!
There is a body of thought in the world called the Law of Attraction. I do not believe in it lock stock and barrel, but I believe there are some elements that ring true. One element I would describe as visioning. It is where you express your vision for the future as if it were already true.
I wrote the vision for myself on March 26, 2007 within my journal and as I turned to that page today, I realized it is the same for me now. I also recognize that even though I expressed my vision then, I did not take as many steps toward it as I would have liked. I find that I am a bit behind. Of course, there have been many wonderful moments along the way--just not there yet. So, my first action is to place my thoughts here and then take steps, small and large, toward my end goal.
Within the Law of Attraction you are coached to write your vision by expressing gratefulness as if it is already present in your life:
I am eternally grateful that
These are not in any particular order and in many ways I have elements of each of these in my life currently. I am grateful for each blessing. I believe we are all on a journey and have access to these blessings. I try every day to realize and live in the knowledge that happiness is present at all times.
My main goal is to make decisions that reflect and align with my goals and purpose in a consistent way so that I can fully experience this happiness. Along the way, I have forgotten my goals or have been distracted and I am sure that may happen again but then, it will just be time to hop on the path again.
To life well lived! (Imagine that I am raising my glass in a toast :-)
Danny & Annie from StoryCorps on Vimeo.
"Knowledge knowing that you can hug somone without them throwing you down the stairs saying get your hands off me. Being married is like having a color television set--you never whant to go back to black and white. "
Believe everything happens for a reason. One of my bosses told me that "sh*t" happens and not all things happen for a reason. This explains cancer, or a child getting hurt or numerous other things. I must admit that this rocked my boat a bit when I thought about this. How do we know when things are meant to happen and others that are just happenstance? I tend to put this thought aside and just concentrate on the belief that it is really about what we do with our circumstances. If we run into a bump in the road, do we see the gift within? Do we handle the situation with grace and love? Do we become stronger in the process? I often screw up in this department, but I strive to learn and grow with each opportunity.
God never said life would be easy, He just promised it would be worth it. Amen!