Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Removable Kisses

Kye is no longer removing kisses received. Prior to this, he would dutifully kiss his mother (me) and with the back of his hand wipe the kiss right off. I would then tease him that the kiss did not count and try to convince him that another kiss was called for. But tonight, to my surprise, he did not wipe our good night kiss off. I questioned him about it by saying, "You did not wipe off my kiss, what does this mean?" He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. Hmmm........


Mars Girl said...

Your son sounds so cute. I love how you record these little glipses into his view of the world... As an adult, you forget some of the simple things because you're distracted by the larger things, you know? Whenever I'm around kids, I remember things about myself and my childhood mind... They make me love things over again... (like when I used to take my godson to the zoo). You remember how magical things were when you were young. And sometimes you realize a fact you took for granted is a tougher concept to a kid and that they've totally misinterpreted your explanation.

It's great! Keep doing this! I wish my mom had wrote some Heidisms down (though she had a few she remembers well and reminds the whole family at Christmas to make my eyes roll).

Anonymous said...

Erin, that was so precious of him not letting you in on his "kodak" moment...you know how boys are shy and he just couldn't let you know that those kisses are his little secret for comfort....well I say, EIGHT, and he's GREAT!!!!(smile!)