Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy people live secure in the knowledge that the activities that bring them enjoyment in the present will also lead to a fulfilling future.

~Tal Ben Shahar Ph.D.

from the book Happier

This quote hit me right between the eyes. I read it several times to get the full effect. It is so simple yet it seems like new information to my tired brain.

This book focuses on the science, philosophy and trends within the pursuit of happiness. It is based on a course that this guy teaches at Harvard.

Some other thoughts to ponder, just 16 pages into the book:

  • Happiness is a continuum and not a destination.

  • The real question to ask is, "How can I become happier?"

  • Create rituals rather than forcing self discipline.

  • Keep a gratitude journal--remember 5 things nightly about your day of which you are grateful for. Studies show that people who do this are more happy.


Alison said...

I've heard a sermon or two about how the problem with the world is that people think their own happiness is the most important thing. But then there are those other sermons about Mary and Martha... I could use a little more Mary.

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Sarah said...

Good stuff you are reading there... Here's how I look at it, believing it isn't enough, you have to live it. The more we allow negative influences in our life, the more unhappy we will be. I am a true believer in the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy or the Law of Attraction. I often look at it in terms of relationships. If something or someone is creating a negative environment for me, and I continue to allow it/him/her to penetrate my life, I am asking for unhappiness. If someone or something is creating positive energy for me I should embrace it. I've noticed that when I am choosing to be unhappy, I am more likely to allow negative people, activities, and experiences surround me. We have to be willing to make what may feel like hard choices today to allow for happiness tomorrow.

Scott Teresi said...

I've been thinking about happiness as a combination of security, friends, family, opportunity for empowerment, knowing how to set and accomplish/prioritize goals, and a feeling of belonging or making a difference in other people's lives.

Also as I've read about happiness one other thing has come up... the need for continual risk taking and change. "Studies show that novelty and challenge--even though they can make us uncomfortable, frustrated, and uneasy--are keys to happiness. People who have experiences that inherently open them up to a certain amount of failure are happier than those who stay in a rut." (Also from the Happiness Project.)